Grateful Tails

Below are some of the stories of Grateful Dogs Rescue alumni. We love to hear from our adopters, so if you want to share a story then please email your text and a photo to [email protected]. (Stories may be edited for length).


From Azalea’s forever parent:

I adopted Azalea from Grateful Dogs when I lived in Bernal Heights. She had been abandoned in a bush on top of Bernal Hill and was skeptical of people, had very bad separation anxiety and generally just did not like the city. So, we moved to the suburbs where she is thriving.  

She loves long hikes and the peace and quiet of our little town. She also loves staring at my computer when I am video conferencing for work. She’s quite the ice breaker for new Clients and is the love of my life. Thank you Grateful Dogs. Without you, I would never have Azalea!



Grateful Dogs Alum Jet found his forever home 5 years ago.
From Jet’s parents:

He is now 8 years old and living his best life (and growing a little grey beard) outside of Las Vegas. He now has his own yard to play around in, and we take him all over the place… We love him to pieces. 



From Cookie’s mom:
I adopted my chihuahua mix (Cookie, formerly Aidan) back in 2014 from GDR. He’s now a sweet 10 yr old boy with a husky sister. Cookie is a loving little man who’s down for anything I want to do, whether it’s watch tv all day or go on a long walk. Even though he’s developed cataracts and lost most of his vision, he’s the same happy, funny little guy he always was. I cannot imagine life without him now and I know he feels the same! These past six years of my life with him have been the best and I can’t wait to see what is to come. I really really appreciate everything y’all do and I love Cookie with all of my heart.


Darcy came to us from the east bay with a badly broken hind leg and pelvis. The original vet who examined her recommended she be euthanized. But her sweet personality would not be overshadowed by her damaged body. We got her to an orthopedic surgeon who felt the best option was to amputate her broken leg; taking pressure off her pelvis which would allow it to heal. It was also discovered that Darcy had a mammary nodule in the early stages of cancer which was removed as well. While Darcy was recovering from her surgery something amazing happened. The oncologist in the vet office fell in love with this brave little girl and adopted her! 


Blitzen was just 4 months old when he ended up in the shelter with a badly broken leg and was going to be euthanized. He was rescued by GDR and received the necessary surgery to repair his injury. Blitzen healed extremely fast! He has been adopted and is now in a loving home.


A few years ago Watson, formerly known as George, found his forever family. His Mum reached out to us to give an update:

From Watson’s Mum:
I am happy to say he has been with me for all this time! He has traveled the country with me, lived in New York with me and I adopted another pup who loves him and follows him around. I just wanted to update you, we all love a happy ending. The work all of you do at these shelters are great, thank you. 



From Malou’s Mum:
I wanted to reach out to let you know how happy Grateful Dog Rescue has made Malou’s and my life. It has been 4.5 months since you helped bring Malou into my home. Since then we have gone on lots of adventures together; up and down the California coast and even on a plane to Canada as an ESA. She has become the most loyal, well behaved pup that I could ever ask for, it’s hard to believe that she is the same anxious, panting dog that I brought home in September. 

She has won over my heart and is truly my best friend. 

My experience with Malou has encouraged friends to consider adopting a rescue, rather than going straight to a breeder or pet store. I have become a huge advocate for “adopt-don’t-shop”.

Thank you for all you do!

Oso & Horchata

From their Mum:
Oso was being fostered at CitiPets where I used to send my old girl Sugar for doggy daycare. Oso was being fostered there and the staff told me that he would sit with Sugar most days and encouraged me to take Oso home to be with her as she aged. It was the best to see them together, they really took care of each other. After she passed, Horchata came to us as a foster, but Oso loved her so much, we decided to make it official. Now they are best friends who run on the beach, fight over toys and steal food from the compost and we are so happy about it!

Check us out:


From Olive’s mum:
My husband adopted Olive in 2006, two years before we started dating. At the time he was a dog walker in the city and Olive fit perfectly into his life, going to work with him daily. On our first date we took Olive to Fort Funston. I remember thinking he was wonderful, and I walked away completely in love with Olive. The next year we married and Olive became a family dog, gaining a new Mom and eventually a baby. At first it was an adjustment with a new baby in the home, but after a few short months the two created an inseparable bond. Olive is now 13 and has two human sisters and a kitty sibling. She has enriched our lives with her love and playful nature. We are incredible grateful to Grateful Dogs Rescue for placing Olive with Nathan.


Hunter, age 9, wanted to share her story too:
When I was younger Olive was such a big part of my life and she still is today. Olive came into our family before I was born and even before my parents met. When I was a baby, I remember playing with Olive and throwing her little tennis ball around the room. We got even closer as we grew up and we became best friends. Then my little sister was born. I had a hard time adjusting when she was born but Olive was always there to cuddle me. Whenever I am having a hard time I go outside and play with Olive and feel better. Olive is the best friend I could ask for. 


This is Ozzie living the good life after being adopted three years ago!


Dottie found her forever home! Here she is napping with her big brother.

Piper pays it forward!

From Piper’s Mom:
In February 2018 Piper and I celebrated a decade together. She has changed my life in way unimaginable. As we sit on our back deck in beautiful Northern Michigan, I can’t help but think how blessed we are. I LITERALLY would not be here today without Grateful Dogs and Piper. 

I didn’t know HOW we were going to get from our tiny studio apartment in Burlingame, CA to our wooded acreage where we are today, but when I looked in her eyes in 2008, I knew we HAD to. My love for Pippy made me strive for our best life. Through cities and states, coast to coast, Piper has been my constant companion. 


Along the way Piper has “paid it forward”. Shortly after she was adopted, we began volunteering for and fostering for rescues and Humane Societies where ever we have lived. Not only has Piper changed my life, she has changed many other lives as well! Here’s to another decade together! 

Thank you, GDR!

Violet's happy ending

From Violet’s new Mom:
My dog Gigi passed away last May. By the end of the summer, I was ready to adopt a new friend. I saw a darling dog on Grateful Dogs website; but when I went to meet her, a family had already claimed her. GDR volunteer Kate Singleton, wizard of matchmaking, suggested I meet Fancy (now named Violet). It was love at first sight!

Violet is everything I always wanted in a dog, but never had. She likes to wear clothes and go to the dog park. She doesn’t mind being in a carrier, so we can go shopping and get coffee together. Violet makes me laugh and calms my nerves. I think she is pretty happy, too.  A match made in heaven!


From Freddie’s new Dad:
We adopted Freddie 4 years ago from Grateful Dog Rescue.  We are blessed to have this little guy as part of the family.  He is a very mellow fellow, and makes us laugh everyday with his huffing and puffing runs in the yard, and upside down sleeping poses and more.  Thank you for all you folks do in the rescue community.


This was Rootbeer Float now known as Maebe.  She is coming up on her 2 year adoption anniversary or “gotcha date.” Maebe travels all over N CA and loves to hike, swim, play and run!


Mikey showed up as a stray at the Sonoma County Shelter in 2013 and again in 2018. When his owners couldn’t be found a 2nd time, he was taken in by GDR and placed in a foster home. Jess was searching for the right dog to adopt; a pint-sized, laid back adult dog who was up for being a constant companion. Jess inquired with GDR about a different dog who turned out not to be available. But the inquiry filtered through the GDR network to Michelle who thought Jess and Mikey would be a perfect match! A meetup was planned and Jess made a long trip out to see Mikey in person. They hung out for a little while getting to know each other but truly, Jess fell in love immediately! Mikey was adopted and went to live with Jess in his new forever home!

Mikey and Jess were commuting from Oakland to SF on BART, doing the office job thing. But in October 2018 they gave up their apartment, their job and their commute to embarked on an adventure! ​

Jess and Mikey set off on a 3-month trip across the US to Europe, Columbia and Mexico; 10 countries in total. Globetrotting with a dog can be a challenge but with some new traveling skills under their belts (or dog collar, in Mikey’s case) they learned to go with the flow and enjoy the journey. While most of the trip was dog friendly Mikey did get to sneak into a few hostels, museums and cathedrals while snuggled in his carrier under Jess’ coat.

The jet-setters are back home but you can follow Mikey’s Instagram account where he chronicled the trip and continues to post about his daily life, with a little help from Jess. @tinymikeyjordan When asked about favorite memories from the trip Jess recalls that Mikey seemed to brighten so many people’s day, just by being so easy going and his little chill self. To anyone thinking about adopting a rescue dog Jess says; “This dog will change your life for the better! In ways you cannot even know. If you rescue a dog, they will end up rescuing you!” 


Bijou was a teeny weenie little dog left to fend for herself out in Stanislaus County but lots of good people came together to help her. GDR took her in and knew of the perfect home. Bijou is thriving in her new family where she has other little dogs to play with all day long and a mom who caters to her.

Lily aka Nussy

This is Lily known as Nussy.  She came from SJ shelter and it took a long time to find a home since she’s a bit snippy but she stole Katie’s heart and won over Chris, her daddy.  Nussy loves life in San Francisco and has traveled to NYC and Napa. She even has an Instagram page @nussynussynussy!